No approvals, no OKs, nothing, nada, zilch, zero (on a residential development project in the Cassville section of Jackson)! This is due to the continuing efforts of the residents of the Cassville and others to preserve the uniqueness of this small area of Jackson.
And that’s why I’m writing now, to remind everyone who cares about nature and preserving our environment that this property holds a treasure chest of rare and endangered pinelands species.
Pine Barrens tree frog, pine snakes, red-shouldered hawk and swamp pink all have been reported on or around this site. And the water, the crystal clear, clean, pure water! We must work diligently to secure and protect all clean point sources of water as they are an irreplaceable and an invaluable resource.
Hovbilt Inc. keeps hiring experts, paid environmental guns, to rationalize why the potential danger is tolerable, acceptable or minimal, experts who feel that if a species is unseen, that’s sure proof of its absence in the surrounding environs, so let’s clear-cut over 200 acres of prime forest habitat and fragment over 600 acres.
Certainly their testimony holds conviction, but ask yourself, Where do they live? Will they be drinking the water? And after they receive payment for their expert testimony, will they be liable if their assumptions were incorrect? And just who will be held responsible for any environmental mess that’s left behind in the wake of their stretching the truth or the outright fabrications.
You know who, the taxpayers, and why, because it’s always the taxpayer who winds up paying to clean up the mess of the rich and greedy. As for these environmental experts listing credential upon credential, what does it really mean? Since when were accredited and honest synonymous?
Congratulations, Cassville — it has been two years, and you’ve been able to keep the predators at bay. With all the development continuing in Jackson, can anyone justify the annihilation of a truly unique ecosystem for another golf-course retirement community? But word is the application will resurface again sometime this year, so keep your eyes open and your ears tuned.
If you reside within 200 feet of the property, you must be notified by registered mail.
Please advise either the Pinelands Pres-ervation Alliance or me when you receive such a letter. It’s so important that this area be left alone to continue to nurture, foster and protect not only the many unique and indigenous life forms, but that this clean water source be protected for everyone.
Thank you again for your help and support.
Janet Gearman