COLUMN: Historically Speaking

A look at the Allentown-Upper Freehold of the past.

   Originally published as Local History in the Allentown Messenger dated Dec. 23, 1920.
   One of Allentown’s industries in other days, and one that was of much benefit to the town, was a carriage factory on Church street conducted by the late Anthony Maps. It was a busy scene there when the factory was in full operation. An extensive business was carried on here in that line for many years, a large force of mechanics having been employed in the different departments.
   The building consisted of shops for wood work, wheelwrighting, carriage trimming and painting, blacksmithing and general repair work. The Maps carriages in the surrounding country where noted for their superior workmanship and excellent quality of materials used.
   The proprietor did much in repairing and also new work for Long Branch parties. He built several large stages for the once famous Stiles stage line that at one time carried most of the travel to and from Ocean Grove in the days before the shore railroad was built.
   The bodies of the stages were finished off in an attractive manner. Experienced painters were employed to depict marine subjects and other scenes suggestive of the seashore. The proprietor was assisted in the management of his business by his brother, whose faithful services contributed greatly to its success. The Maps name plate on a piece of work was regarded as a guarantee of good conscientious work on the part of the builder, and was always so understood by the trade.
   The carriage factory stood on a lot adjoining the Church Street Garage [near Gordon Street], and at a sale of the property in after years was purchased by the late Charles Cafferty. The said carriage factory was the successor of one that had been built on the same site several years before and that had been operated by William I. Cafferty, whose specialty was wheelwrighting [located near the sawmill over Indian Run formerly owned by Richard M. Stout].
Historically Speaking is a regular feature presented by John Fabiano, president of the Allentown-Upper Freehold Historical Society. For information about the historical society, send e-mail to [email protected] or call (609) 259-9127.