Aughenbaugh broke sign promise

Letter to the editor

To the editor:
   Many parts of the "sign dispute" article ("Officials exchange words over detour signs," April 26, 2002, Page 1A) and Hightstown Mayor Amy Aughenbaugh’s press release and comments require a sharp response.
   1. In a May 2, 2001 letter to East Windsor, in memorialization of a joint meeting, Mayor Aughenbaugh committed to no daytime detours in East Windsor; all periods would be only at night and only during critical periods when the roadway and curbs were actually under construction and fully closed. She flagrantly violated her word by applying to NJDOT for full-time detour signs and never telling East Windsor.
   2. The Hightstown mayor creates a scenario of major proportions regarding removal and re-installation of signs. These signs, called "break-away" signs, consist of a stake in the ground and two bolts (intended to easily break if the sign is hit) to hold the sign message. It takes minutes to remove or to install these signs. And the message boards turn on and off like a light switch.
   3. No damage whatsoever was done to any signs. This was and is easily confirmable to anyone who wished to check. And also, contrary to Mayor Aughenbaugh, no sign replacement costs were needed or incurred and the signs are installed by the borough’s contractor.
   4. The sign "hullabaloo" did not hold up the Hightstown downtown project by even a single minute. The borough only received all approvals a few days ago and nothing ever stood in the way of the off-roadway preparatory work which also had not begun.
   5. The mayor of Hightstown, while acknowledging her lack of communication with East Windsor since May 2, 2001, states she had "informally" discussed the downtown project with East Windsor since that time. The Hightstown mayor had no discussions with us in the past year about the project. If you will excuse the sad truth, in complete contrast to the members of the Hightstown Borough Council, we are lucky if the Hightstown mayor says "hello" to us.
   6. The new NJDOT officials have recognized this major communications oversight to East Windsor and are reviewing possible means to correct such situations.
   I apologize for spending any more print time on this sadly manufactured much ado about nothing, but Mayor Aughenbaugh’s breach of her promise to neighboring East Windsor, followed by her fabricated and exaggerated rock throwing at township elected officials, apparently to politically elevate herself during election silly season, requires full public disclosure to all residents of East Windsor and Hightstown.
   Mayor Mironov and all members of council fully and consistently have supported and cooperated to bring about Hightstown’s downtown revitalization project and will strongly continue to do so.
Marc Lippman
East Windsor
The writer is a Democratic member of the Township Council.