To the editor
I read with some dismay, though not surprise, School Superintendent Robert Gulick’s remark, quoted in your May 2, 2002 edition, that he and the school board "don’t see the election as a mandate," referring to the recent school budget election, in which the proposed budget was defeated rather decisively, 1,526 to 1,180.
Reportedly, he went on to say that the 15 percent who voted do not represent the people of Hillsborough. What arrogance! Are we to accept the notion that he, Robert Gulick, speaks for the people of Hillsborough and not the voters?
Historically, voter turnout at these kinds of elections has been pretty low. Those who choose not to vote obviously do not care one way or the other, and their views cannot be determined. However, in a democracy this is how we express the will of the people, and it was expressed very clearly on April 16. Are we to accept Robert Gulick’s agenda over the freely expressed will of the people of Hillsborough in a free election?
It is time for this man to leave. Hillsborough needs a school superintendent who has respect for the voters and taxpayers of this township.
Michelle Lane