Abalos breaks down bridges

Letter to the editor

To the editor:
   This letter is in response to the article concerning the mural at Hightstown High School ("Questions raised over mural’s ethnic inclusiveness," May 3, 2002, Page 3A) and the remarks included in that article made by Dr. Abalos.
   When I first met Dr. Abalos I was truly excited about his concern regarding the minority students at Hightstown High, especially the Latino students. I perceived his focus as an effort of unification between our school district and the Latino students of Hightstown High through focus groups, education and awareness.
   Unfortunately with Dr. Abalos’ misguided comments he has managed to break down whatever bridges that have formed across our cultural divides. The discussion at the high school revolves around divisiveness of opinion and the threat of defacing the mural, not "questions and open debate."
   I ask Dr. Abalos these questions. Could there not have been a more productive way to express your concern? What benefit did you expect to reap from your comments attacking one of our most respected faculty members? Did you feel that this article would have a positive effect for change?
   I am truly disappointed and disillusioned. The administration and staff at Hightstown High School work diligently each day to provide all students regardless of their ethnic heritage with an education of which they can be proud.
Terri Tuliszewski