Town moves to acquire land

Plumsted to purchase 79 acres of woodlands as part of preservation program.

By: Scott Morgan
   PLUMSTED — The Township Committee voted Monday to acquire 79 acres of woodlands as part of its Natural Lands Preservation program.
   According to Mayor Ron Dancer, the newly-preserved land stretches from the northeastern quadrant of the township, near Hopkins and Tower roads, to the area near Marshall’s Corner on Route 539. Of the 79 acres preserved, 24 will be in the Coastal Divide Preservation Area in the northeast, while 55 acres will be within the Pinehurst Preservation Area.
   Committeeman Joe Przywara said he is glad to have the lands — and their inherent beauty — preserved.
   "We all can’t develop every piece of property in our communities," Mr. Przywara said.
   The price tag for the township’s purchase, Mayor Dancer said, is not to exceed $1.3 million. However, the mayor said if the township closes the deal by June 4, it will pay $50,000 less for the land. At $1.25 million, Mayor Dancer said, the cost of the land would be below the actual market value.
   The area is comprised largely of woodlands, which Mr. Przywara said would allow room for natural resources to replenish. As far as replenishing nature, he said simply, "nothing works better than nature."