The National Park Service has completed its review of the public comments that were received on its Environmental Assessment evaluating the placement of beach fill at the Sandy Hook Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area.
The project involves the placement of 250,000 cubic yards of sand along beaches between beach areas "c" and "e" in the southern portion of the park.
It will be conducted in conjunction with planned beach-fill projects in Sea Bright and Monmouth Beach.
Based on the comments received and mitigating actions included in the project design, the park has issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI).
The beach-replenishment work will begin after Labor Day in September. It will be completed by March 1, prior to the start of the shorebird nesting season.
Copies of the environmental assessment and the FONSI, along with a summary of public comments and a "no impairment statement," are available for review at select Monmouth County libraries and at the Sandy Hook visitor center.
Copies may also be purchased for $5 at the visitor center daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through July 30.