Parents dig in
to help playground
To the editor:
The Stockton School has a brand new playground!
In order to save $400 for spreading the mulch underneath the new structure, we felt we could do that part on our own.
I went over Saturday morning to find a mountain of mulch, and the $400 was not sounding so high. Due to the help of many parents, we dug in for what would have been an all-day, very hot event. Mr. Richard Todd saved the day when he arrived with his front-end loader, and we got the job done by noon.
Thank you very much for Rich’s time, effort and equipment. Rich even took the time to give a few rides to the kids much appreciated.
Thanks also to all the parents who showed up and to Fred Henry for his and many tuition parents’ help. It was a great event.
Stockton School
Board of Education
Golf tourney
great success
To the editor:
I take great pleasure in announcing that this year’s charity golf tournament was a great success.
The money raised this year was in excess of $6,500 and will be distributed to the designated charities later this month.
A special thank you to the golf committee, the gold, silver and bronze sponsors, the patrons, those who donated door prizes, the Heron Glen County Golf Course and The Beacon for all the pre-tournament coverage.
West Amwell