By Marianne Hooker
   At its Aug. 7 meeting, the Hopewell Township Zoning Board of Adjustment heard a request for a hardship variance involving a side yard setback for a residential property and granted the applicants a 3-foot left side yard variance for their property at 149 Van Dyke Road, which is in the MC zone.
   Richard and Sharon Cromwell plan to build an addition measuring 12 by 23 feet, which would becoem a sun room and entrance way to the house. Outside the door there would be a small deck.
   Mrs. Cromwell said the proposed addition would improve their access to the building. To build the addition, they would remove an existing concrete slab, which means that the amount of impervious surface coverage on the lot would decrease. Their driveway would stay in the same place, but the addition would bring the house closer to the driveway.
   The side yard setback that is normally required in this zone is 60 feet. Mrs. Cromwell said they had planned the addition for this side of the house because the proposed location worked best for the internal traffic pattern and the layout of the rooms.
   During the public comment period, the board heard testimony from one of the applicants’ neighbors. David Alampi, who lives next door to the Cromwells at 145 Van Dyke, expressed concern about the visibility of the driveway, which would be much closer to the house if the proposed addition is built. In his opinion, the sight lines for the driveway would be unsatisfactory from a safety standpoint.
   There were no other comments from any members of the public.
   IN OTHER BUSINESS, the cellular tower application by Voice Stream Wireless was postponed for another month, at the applicant’s request.
   The First Assembly of God Church application also was postponed until next month, because there were not enough voting board members to constitute a quorum. (One members, also a church member, has recused herself from this case.)