Police department, borough mourn loss of deputy chief

RED BANK — Two lonely bagpipers stood out in front of police headquarters Aug. 29, piping their mournful song into the rainy mist. Across town, the rank-and-file of the Red Bank police force formed an honor guard at the John E. Day Funeral Home in honor of recently departed Deputy Police Chief Peter J. DePonte.

DePonte suffered an apparent heart attack in his home in Brick late Saturday Aug. 24, and died in Brick Hospital early Sunday morning.

He had been the second in command of the RBPD since 1998, also serving as commander of the patrol division and operations officer.

DePonte would have celebrated his 30-year anniversary on the force in October.

Known to his friends as Butch, the deputy chief had lived in the borough for most of his life. He was known as a devoted family man who loved baseball, fishing and music.

Councilman Thomas Hintelmann, who serves as the borough’s police commissioner said, "The chief was a real go-to guy. You wanted something done, you gave it to him. He was very conscientious and dedicated, and his men loved him."

DePonte is survived by his wife, Linda; his four children, Rachel, James, Catherine and Eleanor DePonte; and a sister and brother, Judy White and Jeffrey DePonte, who both live in the borough.