Forum on Middle East

history Oct. 23

history Oct. 23

Congregation B’nai Israel, in conjunction with the Red Bank chapter of Hadassah, will present the forum "Middle East History 101–A (Very) Short Course" Oct. 23 at 7:45 p.m. at the congregation at 171 Ridge Road, Rumson.

Guest speaker will be Yahel Vilan, consul for public affairs of the Consulate General of Israel, New York City. The forum is free and open to the public.

For more information, call Jo Schloeder at (732) 751-1004.

Reformation Celebration scheduled for Oct. 27

The Presbytery of Monmouth and the Tower Hill Concert Series will present "A Reformation Celebration" Oct. 27 at 5 p.m. at the sanctuary at The First Presbyterian Church at Red Bank, 255 Harding Road, Red Bank.

Featured preacher will be the Rev. Leonora Tubbs Tisdale. Music will be performed by combined choirs from churches in the Monmouth Presbytery, the Bethany ringers from The First Presbyterian Church at Red Bank, and a brass ensemble.

Child care (kindergarten and younger) will be provided, but reservations must be made before Oct. 21.

For further information or reservations, call the church music office at (732) 747-1329.

VNACJ bereavement group to begin Nov. 5

The Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey (VNACJ), 141 Bodman Place, Red Bank, will offer bereavement support group meetings 12 Tuesdays from 6:30-8 p.m. beginning Nov. 5. A $30 donation is requested.

The group will be led by Nina Johnston, a mental health nurse. It is designed for relatives and/or friends who have lost loved ones as a result of illness at least four months prior to the start of the group.

For more information, call the VNACJ hospice headquarters at (732) 493-2220.

Talk on ferns at Audubon

Society meeting Nov. 13

The Monmouth County Audubon Society will present a slide show and talk "Ferns of the Eastern United States" at its next meeting Nov. 13 at 8 p.m. The talk by Otto Heck will be at the Trinity Episcopal Church, White Street, Red Bank, and the public is welcome. Heck is incoming president of the Delaware Valley Fern and Wildflower Society.

For more information, call the hotline at (732) 872-2473.

Real estate school offers online bookstore

Weichert Real Estate School, Morris Plains, has partnered with REcampus, to offer an online bookstore for real estate professionals. Students may access the site at

REcampus offers access to the nation’s largest online real estate bookstore, with more than 300 products available for purchase, such as books, software, and audio and videotapes. For more information, call the real estate school at 1-800-544-3000.