The nonprofit VSA arts of New Jersey (VSA/NJ) is now accepting applications for the 2003 Art Achievement Awards and "Art Par Excellence" statewide touring exhibit.
The awards include the Student Arts Excellence Awards presented to students ages 14-21 (not to exceed 12th-grade level) with disabilities who are classified (mainstreamed, inclusion, self-contained classes or activities) who show outstanding achievement in and commitment to an art form.
The awards also include the Education in the Arts award presented to outstanding educators and administrators for establishing high-quality arts programs for classified students, as well as recognizing individuals who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to arts education for classified students. Application deadline is Jan. 8.
The seventh "Art Par Excellence" exhibit will feature original two-dimensional artwork by students with disabilities in the categories of age 12 and younger, and age 12-21. Each public and private school is invited to submit one work. Selected artists will have work professionally displayed at three locations statewide. Deadline is Jan. 27.
For more information or an application, call (723) 745-3885.