Lakewood slates annual Halloween Fun Festival

Lakewood’s annual Halloween Fun Festival, sponsored by the Township Committee in cooperation with the Lakewood Police Department, Lakewood Community School and the Lakewood Fire Department, will be held at Town Square, Clifton Avenue, at 5 p.m. Oct. 31. In the event of inclement weather, the Lakewood High School will be used. This free event for Lakewood children ages 3-12 will feature the BlueClaws’ mascot Buster, face-painting, pumpkin painting, candy and treats, police and fire equipment demonstrations, a costume contest with awards and more.

New Egypt Elks to hold annual Halloween Ball

The New Egypt Elks No. 2457 will be holding its annual Halloween Ball on Oct. 26 at the lodge, 105 Lakewood Road, New Egypt. Refreshments will be available and the best costumes will be awarded prizes. For more information, call Rich Houston at (609) 758-0433. The Elks are also sponsoring a bus trip to Bally’s Casino in Atlantic City on Oct. 27. Tickets are $15 per person with a $12 cash return. The bus will leave the Elks’ parking lot at noon. Reservations are required. Call (609) 758-8700 or (609) 758-8327.

Vendors sought for Winter Wonderland Fair

The Crawford-Rodriguez Elementary School, Larsen Road, Jackson, will be holding its annual Winter Wonderland Fair on Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vendors and crafters are currently being sought for this event. Spaces are 10 feet wide and are $20. Vendors are asked to provide their own tables. To reserve a space call Barbara at (732) 833-9103.

Holiday craft program slated in Lakewood

Registration is in progress for a three-session Holiday Crafts program, to commence Nov. 5 at Lakewood High School. Sponsored by the Lakewood Community School and under the direction of crafts expert Tina Topoleski, participants will create Christmas and holiday decorations for personal use or to give as gifts. For more information call (732) 905-3685.

Vendors sought for craft show at Jackson Center

A holiday craft show is being held at Jackson Center, Genesis Eldercare, 11 History Lane, Jackson, off County Line Road, on Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Some of the featured items will include candles, wreaths, woodwork pieces and handmade pillows. Vendor tables are still available for $15 each. The money raised will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. For information or to reserve a table call Christine Newman at (732) 367-6600, Ext. 27.

Items for the Bulletin Board may be faxed to the Tri-Town News at (732) 780-4192. Please submit notices of community events at least two weeks prior to a scheduled event. For more information call (732) 358-5200, Ext. 8248.