Brick municipal offices should be open a few hours on Sundays

While it’s true that Sunday is still more or less a day off from work for many people, I honestly believe that the Brick Township Council ought to consider opening up its tax assessor’s office part-time on Sunday in order to accommodate those who can’t make it during the week because they work much of the day.

Quite possibly, if implemented, this could turn out to be a big success, even though it may require the employees at the tax assessor’s office to interrupt their Sunday. But while this idea should only be required of employees on a voluntary basis (perhaps one or more part-timers could be hired for that one day), it’s not really immoral to do business on Sunday simply because Saturday is the Biblical "Sabbath" and was the original Christian rest day. Saturday, not Sunday, is the day which Christians were commanded to keep for rest.

John P. Lewis
