Teachers receive $25K grant

PLUMSTED — New Egypt Elem-entary School teachers Rita R. Williams and Jack Byrne have been awarded a $25,000 grant from the state Department of Education for a Learn and Serve America project.

They will be working with the entire elementary school population to create an outdoor "Peaceful Habitat" which will include a full-sized gazebo, walking and fitness paths, native plantings and meditation benches, outdoor sculpture, classroom garden areas and compost making areas.

Fourth grade teacher Byrne and art teacher Williams came up with the idea when they realized just how much children enjoyed working outside in the dirt, according to a press release.

They also relied on their personal experiences in achieving personal peace through gardening experiences. The idea of a service project tied in with both teachers’ interest in service learning opportunities for children.

Students will participate in the planning and creation of the entire project. They will learn about service to the community while they work.

The teachers have created a guideline and students, teachers, parents and community members will all work together to make it happen. Everyone will learn how to work as part of teams and fourth grade students will team up with first-graders. Students will have firsthand experiences in character development as they learn how to be responsible, trustworthy, honest and caring.

The project officially began on Oct. 24-25 with pupils working to plant mums in front of the school. They learned how to prepare the soil, plant the flowers and care for them with water. On Oct. 25 the entire school celebrated its agricultural heritage with the annual Scarecrow Festival.

Anyone in the community interested in working with the Peaceful Habitat project should call Rita Williams or Jack Byrne at the elementary school at (609) 758-6800.

Volunteers are needed to help erect the gazebo, the shed, create classroom gardens and the walking path. Any area garden experts would be greatly appreciated to help plan and plant.