As a former Board of Education member and past president, I wish to express my absolute delight in the board’s decision to appoint Dr. Jo Ann Magistro the new superintendent. This is perhaps the very best thing recent boards have ever done. I have known Dr. Magistro over many years and there could not be a more excellent, competent and outstandingly qualified educator around to fulfill the challenging task of superintendent of East Brunswick Public Schools. Huzzah!
It is gratifying to see a relatively "homegrown" product finally acknowledged in lieu of seeking "outsiders" who have had little true long-range commitment to the community. It is important for the superintendent to relate to the constituents who vote on educational issues. Money can buy a lot, but is not necessarily (usually not) the answer to all educational needs.
There is one point that disturbs me, however, and that is the general lack of respect depicted in the Sentinel’s articles of the last few years in the casual manner in which it cites the superintendent. It took some time to realize that it was Dr. Savedoff, not just Jamie. And it should be noted that it is indeed Dr. Jo Ann Magistro, not just an ordinary employee of the system. Titles are not easily acquired and those with educational responsibility who have attained them should be recognized as such. Dr. Magistro earned her position by truly working hard on her way through the system and not just up. This has provided her with keen insight, good judgment, developing relationships, superb sensitivity and sincere compassion.
The community and taxpayers of East Brunswick have reason to rejoice and are in for a real treat — trust me.
Albert M. Simon
East Brunswick
Editor’s note: It is a Greater Media Newspapers policy to use the title of doctor strictly for individuals who are medical doctors. The policy is based on accepted newspaper style and is not intended to be disrespectful to anyone who has earned another type of doctoral degree.