Pine Brook jazz band, vocal
ensemble enjoy entertaining
By dave benjamin
Staff Writer
DAVE BENJAMIN Members of the trumpet and saxophone sections of the Pine Brook School Jazz Band, Manalapan, prepare for their performance at the New Jersey Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
MANALAPAN — Students who are members of the Pine Brook School Jazz Band and Vocal Ensemble performed at the state convention of the New Jersey Association for Supervision and Curricu-lum Development yesterday.
"The NJASCD convention performance, held yesterday at the Hilton Hotel in East Brunswick, was a suggestion made by Dr. Robert Weiner, assistant superintendent for curriculum," said John Rusin, director of the band and vocal ensemble.
Jazz is not the only forte the group has in its performance repertoire. Listed on the program at the convention were a variety of selections, including a polka and rock and roll hits from the past such as "Joy to the World," "At the Hop," "Rock Around the Clock" and "You Can’t Sit Down."
The jazz band and vocal ensemble are made up of fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders who attend the Pine Brook School.
Participating students include trumpeters Victoria Crowley, Elizabeth Faglio, Stephanie Giovia, Dylan Parisi, Anthony Fleres, Jesse Slachman, Christie Cicero, Mackenzie Caruso, Joanna Colligan and Danielle Sibelman.
Performing on the alto saxophone are Gabriella Swerdloff, Rachel Simon, Nicole Martino, Jessica Lauer, Sara Lazar, Courtney Burgess, Chandler Mumolie, Nicole Napolitano, Shannon Ciprut and Olivia Musto.
Playing the tenor saxophone are Amy Strauss and Josh Wishman, while Lucas Pasch plays the baritone saxophone.
Julian Drucker plays guitar; Brian DeMaio, Justin Szeluga and Michael Panza play drums; and Jennifer Oliveira solos on the accordion.
Vocal selections are performed by Gena Giuliana, Samantha Landwehr, Christie Cangialosi, Rebecca Lynch, Nicole Tower, Alissa Ali and Elizabeth Faglio.
The pupils are ages 9-12 and they have performed at many locations. Two years ago the Pine Brook jazz band and vocal ensemble performed in Atlantic City for the New Jersey Board of Education and Administration Convention. They have also performed for the Monmouth County Board of Education, at Manalapan Day and at the Pine Brook Care Center, Manalapan.
"We get a lot of support from Mr. (Tom) Sherman (principal)," Rusin said. "He’s our booking agent. He’s always looking to see where we can perform next."
Greg Duffy, the new supervisor of music, has also been a great help in maintaining the quality of the program at Pine Brook, according to Sherman.
Additionally, Rusin noted that much of the success of the program is due to Superintendent of Schools Maureen Lally and the members of the Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District Board of Education who have been "true supporters of the arts."
The director also credits the students and parents who have been ready as early as 5:45 a.m. to catch a bus and head off for a performance.
Noting the participation and cooperation he and the program have received, Rusin said, "Most of all, it’s the students and their parents who make this program what it is. If it weren’t for them, we would not have a program at all. They are a very dedicated group."
A spring concert will be held June 12 to which the public is invited to attend.