Student council officers honored by school board

By dave benjamin
Staff Writer

Student council officers
honored by school board
By dave benjamin
Staff Writer

MANALAPAN — During a recognition ceremony held Jan. 8, student council leaders from the Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District were recognized by the Board of Education.

The ceremony was held at the Manalapan-Englishtown Middle School, Millhurst Road.

"We are very proud to honor some of the students who are members of their student council," said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Maureen Lally. "It is always wonderful to recognize good government and that’s what you are seeing tonight.

"When Mr. (James) Mumolie (board president) first suggested this … the intent was that the student council officers would meet with the board periodically and bring issues, ideas and topics of discussion with them. The plan at this moment is to have a meeting approximately every two months. The first will be in March. (At that time) they will be able to engage in dialogue with the board and (be able to) expand their horizons."

Principal Ruth Jacobson presented certificates to student council members Carley Gallon, president, and Samantha Napolitano, vice president, from Taylor Mills School.

Principal Mel Reid called Lafayette Mills School student council leaders Hilary Camhi, president; Lindsay Reding, vice president; and Angela DiPaola, secretary, to the podium to receive their certificates.

"I’d like to let you know that our candidates this year, for the first time at Lafayette Mills, politicked in front of the entire student body," said Reid. "There was a general election throughout the school. This was the first time we had this."

Reid said he didn’t know how the student body made its decision because the speeches were excellent.

"We certainly have some future politicians at Lafayette Mills," the principal said.

"I’d like to thank the board," said Pine Brook School Principal Tom Sherman. "I’ve been to many board meetings over many years, honoring students in so many different categories. We’re so happy that you have had us here this evening to honor the leaders of our school. We’re very appreciative of what you have done."

Sherman called student council members Gregory Grzelak, president; Luks Pasch, sixth-grade vice president; Kelly Himmelman, sixth-grade secretary; Alissa Ali, sixth-grade treasurer; Eric Hammer, fifth-grade vice president; Raba Sharish, fourth-grade vice president; Devin Alessio, fourth-fifth-grade secretary; and Taryn Applebaum, fourth-fifth-grade treasurer, to receive their certificates of honor.

"A couple of years ago when I arrived at Pine Brook there were (only) the sixth-grade officers," said Sherman, noting how the latest student council had evolved. "But the fourth- and fifth-graders said they would like to have their own officers also to have a voice in the parliament. The sixth-graders said, ‘No way.’ "

Sherman explained that the question of representation was put to a school wide vote and the sixth-graders lost. Today all grades are represented on the student council.

"This year we have very dedicated and responsible students at Wemrock Brook School," said Assistant Principal Melissa Foy, who presented certificates to Dan Rios, president; Melissa Shinbein, vice president; Mary Ulatowski, secretary; and Derrick Meyer, treasurer.

MEMS Principal Robert Williams told the student council members, "Your roles and your efforts are very important and we are looking forward to having this fine group of students come to MEMS (in the future) and continue their student council work. It’s very important and we appreciate it."

"We (Shannon Connolley and Jim Tumbleson) are very privileged this year as (MEMS) student council advisers," said Connolley. "We have a fabulous group of students and we are so very proud that the board is recognizing their achievements and their dedication to student council."

Called to the podium to receive recognition certificates were Noah Zatzkin, president; Ferheen Naqui, eighth-grade vice president; Ashlyn Foley, treasurer; Amanda Mastrogiovanni, seventh-grade vice president; Jamie Hirshhorn, secretary; and Brad Seigal, sergeant-at-arms.