By clare marie celano
Staff Writer
Tenants at the Rug Mill retail plaza, Jackson Street, Freehold Borough, can look forward to having some new neighbors in the future.
Planning Board members on Feb. 26 approved an application filed by Rug Mill L.L.C. to build a 4,445-square-foot addition to the existing retail center, which would accommodate three new stores. Board members also OK’d a freestanding one-story office building of 3,820 square feet.
The additions to the 11,550-square-foot retail center are being proposed in response to an increased demand for retail and office space, said Matthew Gallagher, owner and managing member of Rug Mill L.L.C.
Gallagher said the company did not anticipate that the existing retail area would be completely rented so quickly.
The retail center, although currently only half occupied by tenants, is 100 percent rented, according to Gallagher, who told board members he has received a number of requests for additional retail space from interested parties and has had to turn them down.
The retail center currently has a convenience store and a thrift shop and is soon to be joined by a beauty shop, a Chinese restaurant and a self-service laundry.
Gallagher said he’s already had requests for another restaurant and a video store as well.
Testimony from planner and engineer Mark Lescavage of ESP Associates, Howell, included adding one handicapped parking space to the five required by borough ordinance.
Handicapped access to the office building is also proposed. Additionally, there will be a ramp to the retail part of the strip mall.
Architect Eric Wagner of Red Bank told board members the proposed plan for the exterior of the buildings would include a combination of brick and ground face blocks with green accent color and textures to match the present building exterior.
Landscaping was also a matter for discussion.
William Wentzien, the board’s engineer, suggested that since the area is being heavily developed, additional landscaping and greenery be added to the retail center so that it would not be merely blacktop, buildings and sidewalks. He said it would benefit the project and "dress it up."
A variance for a slight deficiency in the number of parking spaces was approved conditionally upon the plantings and landscaping being in accordance with Wentzien’s suggestion and a sign identifying a nearby parking lot at which parking for the retail center will be permitted.
Rug Mill L.L.C. was represented before the board by attorney Duane Davison of Freehold Township.