County needs to make it easy for voters to get to the polls
(An open letter to Monmouth County Board of Elections Chairwoman Barbara Muzetska):
I urge you to coordinate with the municipalities and school districts to facilitate our precious right to vote by:
• Placing an American flag outside each election polling place to clearly and visually indicate where the election poll is located. This is required by New Jersey state law
• Using the same location in the building for the election polls. If a change is made, then clearly legible external and internal signs should direct voters to the new location.
In Long Branch, we have had a continuing concern about the following election polling places, district two (Congregation B’Nai Shalom), districts five and eight (Operation Life building), district six (Long Branch High School), district 11 (Long Branch Senior Center), and district 15 (Lenna Conrow School).
On many occasions, we hastily erected makeshift signs to help voters find the election polls. It is very possible residents in other municipalities experience this same impediment voting.
We are assured you and we share the same goals of affording every eligible resident the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.
The school board election is April 15.
Avery W. Grant
Long Branch