PBA does not use telemarketers to raise funds

The members of Marlboro Township Policemen’s Benevolent Association Local 196 wish to take this opportunity to alert the citizens of Marlboro that several residents have reported receiving telephone calls from telemarketers seeking donations to benefit law enforcement concerns. During these telephone calls, the solicitors have inferred that they represent officers from our jurisdiction.

Neither the Marlboro Town-ship PBA Local 196 nor any PBA local in the state of New Jersey, including our parent organization, the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association Inc., uses telemarketing as a means of fund-raising. Efforts through legislation are currently being pursued by the PBA to end telemarketing by groups chartered for the representation and benefit of law enforcement officers in New Jersey.

We urge all residents to decline requests for donations made by telemarketers. Further-more, this local does fund-raise through a mail campaign.

At a specific time each year, all residents will receive a request from Marlboro Township PBA Local 196. If you choose to donate, we do thank you. If you need to reach us for any reason, our address is P.O. Box 278, Mor-ganville 07751.

Janine Eckel


John Loyer

State Delegate

PBA Local 196
