Sirr brings abundance of experience to Board of Ed.

As a longtime resident of East Brunswick, I would like to endorse Patrick Sirr for the East Brunswick Board of Education.

Patrick has served our community for 18 years as a board member, during which time he has brought a balanced and realistic approach to the many decisions facing this body. He hasn’t been one to just go along with others when tough choices had to be made regarding the implementation of policy for running the district. He will continue to weigh the needs of our children with the requirement that taxpayers receive fair value for money spent.

We will be fortunate to have a current board member with experience and ties beyond the local board. Pat serves as a member of the Middlesex County School Boards Association and was elected as vice president of the New Jersey School Boards Association in May. As such, Pat has brought to our district a wide breadth of experience and insight not normally afforded a local board member.

Please vote to keep our schools among the finest in the state. Vote for Pat Sirr on April 15.

Bill Brunnengraber

East Brunswick