Nature program, new titles available at library

North Brunswick Library, 880 Hermann Road, will celebrate National Library Week April 6-12 with a live nature pro­gram by Snakes-n-Scales and Turtle Tales April 5 at 11 a.m.

The free program is for children age 4 and older. It will detail lifestyles and habits of snakes, turtles, lizards and crocodiles.

The library has also announced its ac­quisition of two copies of Middlesex County Historic Photo Album Through 1939, with one copy to be added to the cir­culating New Jersey collection, and the other in the reference section.

The book contains more than 300 pho­tographs that capture the history of Mid­dlesex County. The library has also added approximately 50 books written in Hindi and Gujarati. The titles are fiction and written by popular Indian authors.

For more information, call the library at (732) 246-3545.