Officials should budget like taxpayers during down economy

I have read that Brick Township is raising our taxes again, or is it still, or yet? Why can’t they budget like we (residents) are forced to do? They say they have given us a good quality of life but have they asked the taxpayers what quality we want and how much we are willing to pay for it? Many of us would like to own a Lexus or Mercedes but we can only afford a Kia or a Hyundai.

They blame part of the increase on the snowstorms we had this winter. History shows that every so many years our area has major snowstorms, so why didn’t the town plan for this occurrence in its budget this year? What happened to the money budgeted for snowstorms over the past few years when we had little or no snow? Our taxes sure weren’t reduced.

Our leaders don’t have to be frugal; all they have to do is pick the pockets of Brick. We should remember how many times we open our wallets for the town when we open the curtains of the voting booth this November.

Ed Sullivan
