Master Gardeners set Ag Day plant sale

Master Gardeners
set Ag Day plant sale

Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Middlesex County and the Master Gardeners will host their annual plant sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 26 at Cook College’s 85th Ag Field Day on the campus of Cook College of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, near the Marine Science Building.

The sale will feature 40 varieties of tomatoes, including the Rutgers tomato and other heirloom varieties. Also to be featured are more than 60 different herbs including 11 basil varieties; Oritani and other sweet bell peppers; and more than 10 varieties of hot peppers.

Visitors will have the opportunity to meet the county agricultural agent and members of the Master Gardeners.

Fact sheets will be available on topics such as lawn care, garden pests and the proper culture of landscape and garden plants.

For more information on the plant sale or the county Master Gardner program, call (732) 745-3443.