Green excited to be tapped as president

By jeanette M. eng
Staff Writer

Green excited
to be tapped
as president
By jeanette M. eng
Staff Writer

Cynthia GreenCynthia Green

MARLBORO — Although she has been elected as the new president of the K-8 Board of Education, Cynthia Green remains a strong believer in the function of the board as the aggregate of nine people. Even if she was voted to serve beyond two one-year terms as president, she would decline that vote, she said.

"No one person should be too strongly identified as the board," Green said. "I am a strong believer in changing leadership. It is healthy for the board and the district."

This year marks Green’s 14th year as part of the board, four of which were served as vice president. Although her title has changed, Green said her agenda remains the same. She said she is interested in accomplishing what has always been her goal — "Doing what is best for the kids of the township, with integrity and grace."

Green said she is excited about the year ahead. With an approved 2003-04 budget and a new middle school now open, the district is in pretty good shape, she said.

"For the first time in a long time I think we can focus less on facilities and more on education," she said. "I’m looking forward to that."

Green also looks forward to people sharing ideas and points out that she is not looking only to board members, but to anyone who wants to be heard.

Green and the other incumbent board members have been joined by new member Andrea Tunis Miller and former member Raymond Eng, both of whom were elected in April.

She called the resulting mix of members "terrific."

"This is one of the best boards I’ve had the pleasure of working with in many years," Green said.

She believes the variety of experiences and backgrounds that the members bring to the table will serve the board well. Although each member has different points of view and opinions, she said they remain united in their goal.

"The board must be cohesive," Green said. "We can be most effective that way."

The new president believes the school district is in good shape and doesn’t see any enormous challenges ahead. There is always, however, the ongoing task that every board member faces.

"Finding ways to maintain the education program that people move here for without burdening the taxpayers is always our challenge," Green said.

The other members of the K-8 school board are Bari Sobel, Joseph Waldman, Murray Hoffman, Robert Kleinberg, Gail Becker and Mark Orenzow. The district enrolls just under 6,000 pupils in eight schools. The district’s budget for the 2003-04 school year totals $61.7 million.