Students thank businessmen for support of FRHSD program

By dave benjamin
Staff Writer

Students thank businessmen
for support of FRHSD program
By dave benjamin
Staff Writer

FREEHOLD — Special education students have thanked their employers with a special breakfast held at the 5 Star Cafe in Freehold Borough High School.

With special education students from all six schools in the Freehold Regional High School District participating, local business representatives, who are their bosses, were invited to an Employer Appreciation Breakfast May 13. The breakfast was catered by the 5 Star Cafe, a student-operated restaurant at the school.

"The students, [who are] participants in the Student Transition Education Program (STEP), sample different jobs to see what they like and gain on-site work experience," said Ilse Whisner, public information coordinator for the FRHSD. "STEP, which is a federally mandated program, began in 1990 and is designed to provide students with transition activities from school to work."

The job sampling is a partnership between local employers and the FRHSD. The partnership allows students to receive vocational training at the high school, followed by work experience for one hour a day at a job site. Students rotate between job sites every two weeks. The FRHSD provides the students with transportation.

"This is a great program," said Michael Federici, manager of Federici’s restaurant, East Main Street. "It gives the kids an opportunity to test their interests and abilities while learning job skills."

Federici, a graduate of the borough’s high school and the Academy of Culinary Arts in Atlantic City, said his restaurant has hired two students from the program.

Praising the program, he said, "It pro­vides a realistic image of the world of work."

Prior to job placement, each student is interviewed by the participating employer and then assigned to specific tasks. Staff are also assigned to lend assistance to the student whenever needed.

Nan Sullivan, supervisor of special ed­ucation at Freehold Township High School, said the goal of the STEP program is to develop supportive em­ployment experiences that will help stu­dents obtain paid positions upon gradua­tion.

Employers invited to the breakfast in­cluded representatives from the Barkalow Middle School, Freehold Township; Boston Chicken, Howell; CentraState Medical Center, Freehold Township; Bright Horizon Child Care, Freehold; New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabil-ities, Freehold; Drug Fair, Freehold Town-ship; 5 Star Cafe, Freehold Borough High School; Foodtown, Manalapan; Food-town, Freehold; Franks Nursery, Howell.

Also, Friendly’s, Freehold Township; Kohl’s, Marlboro; The Manor, Freehold Township; the Manalapan and Marlboro libraries; Monmouth Crossing, Freehold Township; Old Country Buffet, Freehold Township; Pizza Hut, Freehold Township; Sears Hardware, Marlboro; the Monmouth County Surrogate’s Office, Freehold; T.J. Maxx, Marlboro; Value City, Manalapan; Wegmans, Manalapan; the YMCA of Western Monmouth County, Freehold; and Wawa, Brick.