Our View

Improved park will be a community staple

Our View Improved park will be a community staple

Although the coming skateboard park has garnered the most attention, the improvements planned for the Drum Point Sports Complex offer something for residents of all ages and interests.

The Township Council awarded a $2.2 million construction bid last week that assures the long-discussed mega-park becomes a reality.

When completed, the complex will forever change Brick for the better.

Residents will be able to take a jog or leisurely stroll past a new scenic, tree-lined pond along the way.

The jogging path will weave through the park’s fields and around another pond, which will have a fountain inserted at its center.

Whoever came up with the idea to substitute a new pond on the site for a detention basin –– which tends to be unsightly and dangerous –– has our gratitude.

Eight new fields for soccer, the fastest-growing sport in the United States, will be cleared and seeded.

The skateboard park will come as a dose of aspirin for the headaches long suffered by Brick’s skaters, residents and police.

Skaters and their parents have been vocal about the need for the park in Brick, where tensions have flared between strip-mall shoppers and youngsters railsliding through parking lots.

At last, they will have a sanctioned place to go, and nobody can complain about it.

Township and school officials can take satisfaction knowing that their hard work will leave the community a special place that is sure to outlast their own time in Brick.