Plan for fitness center draws zoners’ attention

Marlboro panel
continues to hear
Elite Fitness proposal

BY anna kreyman
Staff Writer

Plan for fitness center
draws zoners’ attention
Marlboro panel
continues to hear
Elite Fitness proposal
BY anna kreyman
Staff Writer

The location of a proposed sports and fitness facility continues to be the primary issue on the minds of the members of the Marlboro Zoning Board of Adjustment.

At a recent meeting, board members heard testimony from traffic engineer Frank Miskovich, representing the Elite Fitness and Sports Center. The applicant wants to build a facility that would feature an indoor soccer field and an indoor roller hockey rink on a 16-acre parcel near Vanderburg Road and Route 79.

Zoning board Chairwoman Sherry Hoffer stated why she believes building the fitness and sports center is such a worrisome proposal.

"This gym will generate even more traffic on Vanderburg Road," Hoffer said. "In addition to that, where are people going to park if the lot is full?"

Miskovich said Vanderburg Road should be widened in order to allow people to park on the shoulder in case there is no parking left in the lot.

"Or people will just have to drive around until someone else gets out of a parking spot," said Miskovich.

The applicant proposing the Elite Fitness and Sports Center is requesting a use variance and site plan approval from the zoning board in order to allow the construction of the for-profit recreational facility, which is not a permitted use in the zone.

"According to my calculations, there should be approximately 135 people in the morning attending the facility — 154 in the evening and 184 on Saturday morning," said Miskovich.

He said the peak hours tend to be 8-10 a.m. and 4-9 p.m. on weekdays and 7-10 a.m. on weekends.

"I have been involved in this business for over 12 years and know that the Marlboro community will benefit from this sports center," said applicant Brett Pressel, the owner of Elite Fitness in Manalapan.

Board members pointed out that 71 of the planned 401 spots on the parking lot are undersized according to the municipal ordinance because they are proposed as 10 by 18 feet. In addition, they noted that a church being built next to the location of the proposed fitness and sports center will share the parking lot.

"This new church will hold about 250 people," said Jeff Whissman, pastor of the church which is currently located in Freehold. Whissman said the members of the church are Chinese Americans who are interested in keeping their culture alive.

A representative of the New York Sports Club questioned whether there would be enough parking for the size of the Elite Fitness and Sports Center being proposed.

Pressel said twice the size (the Marlboro facility compared to the Manalapan facility) does not equal twice the members.

"We are proposing a 14,000-square-foot fitness and sports center that will be able to hold anywhere from 4,000 to 5,000 members," he said.

Pressel said the business would have a lounge where food would be available, but said the baking will not be done on the premises. There will also be a retail area where sporting goods will be sold. The proposed facility would also contain of­fices where sales representatives, trainers and perhaps physical therapists will be situated.

"There will not be a hair and nail salon in this facility," said Pressel.

Players do not have to be members in order to play hockey and soccer in the sports center.

"In order for us (the board) to approve this proposal there needs to be certain changes done to Vanderburg Road," Hoffer said.

The hearing on the Elite Fitness appli­cation will be continued at a July 16 spe­cial meeting of the zoning board.