The New Jersey State Safety Council, Cranford, estimates more than 520 individuals will die in traffic crashes and more than 27,000 will be injured during the Independence Day holiday July 3-6.
The council offers the following tips to keep summer road trips safe and fun:
• Drive at the speed limit. Speeding is a factor in about one-third of all vehicle crash fatalities.
• Prepare vehicles for the road — clean headlights, taillights, signal lights and windows once a week, if not more. A mechanic should examine the car at least a week prior to a trip, including the battery, brakes, tires, belts, hoses, exhaust system and fluid levels.
• In the event of a vehicle breakdown on the highway, pull off the road as far as possible — warn approaching traffic at once by setting up flares or reflecting triangles near the car and 100 feet behind it. On a two-lane road, place a flare 100 feet ahead of the car, also. Turn on flashers and the dome light, stay off the roadway, and get passengers away from the car.
• Don’t drink and drive — almost half of all fatal vehicle crashes involve alcohol.
• For longer trips, allow enough travel time for frequent breaks for rest, snacks and exercise. Drowsiness can reduce reaction time almost as much as drinking. If too tired to drive, stop and rest. Danger signs of fatigue include eyestrain, blurred vision, head dropping, yawning, swaying out of the lane or an urge to close your eyes.
• Drive defensively and be alert — if you notice a car is straddling the center lines, weaving, making wide turns, stopping abruptly or responding slowly to traffic signals, the driver may be impaired. Avoid an impaired driver ahead by slowing down to increase following distance. If the impaired driver is behind, turn right at the nearest corner. Notify the police after seeing a motorist who is driving suspiciously.
• Follow the rules of the road — don’t contest the right of way or try to race another car while trying to merge onto another lane, and be respectful of other motorists.
For more information, call the council at (908) 272-7712.