E.B. 10-year-olds win a District 13 banner

E.B. 10-year-olds win
a District 13 banner

A 6-4 victory over Monroe on July 1 vaulted the East Brunswick 10-year-old All-Star Little League team to the District 13 title, setting the stage for Tuesday night’s state game against Scotch Plains in Union City.

Manager Rich Hernandez said a balanced all-around attack has been the hallmark of his 8-2 squad.

"We’re playing very good defense, and we’ve been getting some excellent hitting lately," he noted.

Swinging the big bats for the stars are center fielder John "J.J" Glinka, third baseman Joe Russo, and the consistent Michael Masterton, who plays right field.

Danny Holihan is the staff’s ace pitcher, supported by Tyler Browne, who also catches, Adam Scicchitano, and Evan Coimbra, who doubles as the East Brunswick third baseman.

Jon Aunio, an outfielder, also sees some mound duty when needed.

As for the rest of the roster, Rob Bierman mans left field; Ryan Hernandez, the manager’s son, is the second baseman; Charlie Reisert is in the outfield; and Alec Simoes plays shortstop.

"I’ve had this group since they were 8 years old, and they’ve really grown together," said Hernandez. "Plus we’ve had some very good new additions. They’re playing great ball."

Assisting the manager are coaches Ed Simoes, John Glinka, Dan Holihan and Adam Scicchitano.