Funding in pipeline for

Route 9 improvements

By dick metzgar
Staff Writer

By dick metzgar
Staff Writer

Millions of dollars are being earmarked over the next three years to improve and make safer a number of hazardous traffic spots along the Route 9 corridor in western Mon-mouth County.

The planned projects include the replacement of the Route 9 bridge over Route 522 in Freehold Township and the realignment and restructuring of "hot" intersections along Route 9, according to the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), Newark.

The authority just approved its annual Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), a three-year, nearly $5.6 billion investment agenda for 13 counties in northern and central New Jersey.

"This investment program not only addresses the most important transportation needs of the entire NJTPA program, but also several key projects in Monmouth County," said Monmouth County Free-holder Ted Narozanick, chairman of the authority’s Board of Trustees.

The latest schedule for the replacement of the Route 9 bridge over Route 522 (Freehold-Englishtown Road) calls for the construction contract to be awarded in December, with construction expected to begin in February 2004.

According to the NJTPA, $4.2 million will be forthcoming for the project in 2004 in federal funding.

The need to replace the existing bridge, which was built in 1937, is caused by conditions that do not meet current standards, according to state Department of Trans-portation (DOT) officials.

The bridge is located on a crest vertical curve, which in combination with the absence of shoulders or acceleration-deceleration lanes and substandard ramp geometrics, creates the conditions which makes the bridge’s replacement necessary, according to DOT officials.

The bridge replacement plan calls for a structure with three 12-foot wide travel lanes, acceleration-deceleration lanes and 10-foot shoulders in each direction. The current structure has two 10-foot wide travel lanes in each direction with no shoulders. The new structure will be bicycle/pedestrian compatible, according to DOT officials.

An $11 million project for the improvement of the intersection in Freehold Township where Route 9, Route 79 and Schanck Road converge is now scheduled for 2005.

This construction project will consist of a larger reverse-loop ramp from Route 9 northbound to Schanck Road westbound, and the construction of a new reverse-loop ramp from Route 9 southbound to Route 79 northbound.

Two retaining walls will accommodate the road widening under the Route 33 by­pass. Three existing traffic signals will be modified and a new signal will be installed at the intersection of Schanck Road and Stonehurst Boulevard, according to infor­mation provided by the NJTPA.

Construction is expected to begin this fall on a $4.79 million project for the com­pletion of intersection improvements at Route 9, Route 524 and Jackson Mills Road in Freehold Township.

These improvements will include re­verse jughandles for both approaches on Route 9, three through lanes from each di­rection on Route 9 and one deceleration lane with shoulders for the reverse jughan­dles, along with an exclusive left-turn lane, an exclusive through lane and a combina­tion through/right-turn lane on the Route 524 approach.

The 2004 TIP program also includes $1.2 million for the completion of the re­construction of School Road East in Marlboro.

In 2004, $1 million will be earmarked for preliminary design work for the recon­struction and other improvements to Halls Mills Road in Freehold Township.

About $250,000 will be spent in 2004 for feasibility assessment work on the re­construction of a number of streets in Freehold Borough — Institute Street, Lockwood Avenue, First Street, Second Street, Third Street, Ford Avenue, Liberty Street and Bond Street.

According to NJTPA officials, $8.13 million will be used in 2005 and $7.71 mil­lion in 2006 for the construction of a grade-separated interchange of Halls Mill/Kozloski roads over Route 33 Business in Freehold Township.

The authority has approved $1 million in 2004 for the design of intersection im­provements at the intersection of Route 34 and Route 537 in Colts Neck.

The authority’s program also includes $200,000 in 2004 for feasibility assessment and $500,000 for preliminary design in 2005 for interchange improvements at the intersection Route 9 and Robertsville Road (Route 520) in Marlboro.