Hockey coach fined $750 for fighting after game

By charles w. kim & Josh Davidson
Staff Writers

Hockey coach fined $750
for fighting after game

By charles w. kim & Josh Davidson

Staff Writers

SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Middletown High School South’s varsity hockey coach has pleaded guilty to creating a disturbance and was fined $750.

Adrien Thomas, 31, of Farmingdale remains suspended from his coaching duties after being involved in a January scuffle at a hockey game in South Brunswick, according to school officials.

Thomas was charged initially with aggravated assault for the Jan. 26 incident at the Pro Skate rink in the Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick, Detective James Ryan said. The charge was downgraded to a disorderly persons offense, to which Thomas pleaded guilty on July 15.

South Brunswick Municipal Court Judge Michael Dowgin fined Thomas $750.

The scuffle happened during a noon hockey game unrelated to Middletown South’s hockey program between the Wall Eagles, which Thomas coached, and the South Brunswick Titans.

The Eagles are comprised of 16- to 17-year-olds, while Titans are ages 14 to 15. The teams are from private leagues, not affiliated with any school.

"During the game there was evidently a discussion over the skill level of the teams, and the parents made some comments," Ryan had said in January.

After the match, a group of women confronted Thomas’ father, Larry, 51, of Island Heights in the lobby of the rink, Ryan said. James Wallace, 41, Burlington, then intervened, Ryan said.

"James Wallace and Larry Thomas engaged in profanity and name calling about each other’s wives," Ryan said. "Both men were separated by some onlookers. At that point, Adrien Thomas intervened, and he was involved in a physical assault with James Wallace."

The two were separated, Ryan said.

Wallace received a bloody ear and sought medical attention through his private doctor days later, Ryan said. The entire incident lasted about two minutes, and was over before police arrived, he said.

Police seized the rink’s security tape and interviewed about six people during the week following, Ryan said.

Thomas’ initial aggravated assault charge was the result of a recent law enacted to toughen the state’s stance on fighting at youth sporting events, Ryan said.

Under the new law, Thomas was facing up to 18 months in jail and an $18,000 fine.

Larry Thomas and Wallace, whose fight was not caught on tape, each were charged with disorderly conduct, but those charges were eventually dismissed, police said.