Prestigious group invites township clerk to join

By:Alec Moore
   Ann Marie McCarthy, Hillsborough’s township clerk and a resident of North 9th Street in Manville, is continuing her professional career development.
   Earlier this month, Ms. McCarthy was accepted into an educational program — run under the auspices of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks — through which she hopes to obtain master municipal clerk certification. The MMC certification is the highest level of municipal clerkship certification awarded by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.
   The group is a professional organization that grants certified municipal clerk and master municipal clerk certifications to municipal clerks who have already attained registered municipal clerk certification, generally granted through governments services programs at state colleges and universities.
   "I am honored to welcome Ms. McCarthy as a member in the Master Municipal Clerk Academy," said International Institute of Municipal Clerks President Jean Bailey in a press release. "She is dedicated to municipal services and an inspiration to all members of our profession."
   Ms. McCarthy has already cleared one of the hurdles en route to obtaining her MMC certification by being accepted into the International Institute of Municipal Clerk’s MMC certification program, aptly dubbed the Master Municipal Clerk Academy.
   "I’m just moving on to the next level," said Ms. McCarthy. She explained that while most of the curriculum in the RMC and CMC courses of study focused on understanding the wide range of state regulations municipal clerks must be familiar with, the curriculum for the MMC certification is aimed at enhancing office efficiency.
   "Instead of just learning about state regulations, we’re going to be focusing on how to more effectively run our offices, improving professionalism and utilizing new technologies," she said.
   To be accepted into the Master Municipal Clerk Academy, potential MMC candidates must first attend a minimum of 36 hours of graduate level courses offered by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks or complete comparable educational programs.
   In addition, professional participation in state and national professional associations, attendance at seminars and writing are also taken into consideration when potential MMC candidates are being considered for membership.
   There are approximately 10,300 members of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, of which, 15 percent have been accepted into the Master Municipal Clerk Academy.
   Ms. McCarthy was appointed to the position of Hillsborough township clerk in April 2002. Prior her position with the township, Ms. McCarthy had previously served as municipal clerk for the Borough of Rockaway and as municipal clerk for the Township of Millburn.