Center Players will present The Sum of Us by Australian playwright David Stevens. The show opened on July 11 and runs through Aug. 10, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the Center Playhouse, 35 South St., Freehold.
Stevens blends humor and emotion into a story about relationships in this award-winning play about widower Harry Mitchell and his son Jeff. Not only do the two live together, but Jeff is gay and Harry is his welcoming matchmaker. Originally produced off-Broadway in 1981, the play explores themes of hatred and tolerance.
The cast includes David J. Cruse of Middletown as the son; Charles Deitz of Tinton Falls as the father; Karen Root of Middletown as Joyce; and David Bilon of Englishtown as Greg. David Sorin of Howell is directing the production. The show is recommended for mature audiences due to language and sexuality.
Tickets are $22, and $20 for seniors, students and groups of 10 or more. Admission includes desserts and beverage at intermission. Dining packages are available. To order tickets or for more information, call (732) 462-9093 or visit