Town claims firms failed
to pay for police services
By dave benjamin
Staff Writer
MANALAPAN — Two companies are being charged with theft of services by the township. Charcon USA Inc. of Toms River and Knipfing Asphalt Solutions of Colts Neck have failed to pay for police services rendered, according to Phil Del Turco, chief financial officer, and Deputy Police Chief Stuart Brown.
In a press release issued by Brown on Aug. 6, the township claims Charcon USA failed to pay $4,533.85 and that Knipfing Asphalt Solutions failed to pay $1,536.40 for police services requested during construction activities.
"They are not fulfilling their obligations," Del Turco said. "They’ve been way past due. Over 90 days."
Del Turco said the two firms signed contracts with the township. The CFO said township representatives tried to call the two firms, sent letters, even a certified letter, and still, neither company responded. Charges have now been filed by the township against the two companies.
He said police officers are hired at the request of a contractor when that contractor is working at a job site in the town.
"This is so old that the police officers have been paid" by the township, Del Turco said. "I’m not going to have the township, nor the taxpayers, subsidize this program. I have to protect the municipality."
Del Turco said the police officers were hired for Charcon USA in December 2002 and for Knipfing Asphalt Solutions on several dates from June through November 2002.
In addition to the police officers receiving payment for the extra service, the township also collects certain administrative fees.
"We’re going to be changing the policy to get prepayments," Del Turco said. "There are going to be some adjustments made to the procedures."
Daniella Trancho, municipal court administrator, said both thefts are indictable offenses and have been transferred to the Monmouth County Prose-cutor’s Office for review.
"The complaints have just been forwarded to our office," said Robert A. Honecker Jr., first assistant prosecutor. "We will contact the municipality and determine how to screen these cases, whether they should be presented to a grand jury, or remanded back to municipal court for handling."
Honecker said at the present time the investigation is being handled by Manalapan, but he said if township representatives ask the prosecutor’s office to do an investigation, it will.
Both cases are being investigated by Manalapan Patrolman Peter Curran.
Reached by the News Transcript on Aug. 14, Joyce Percodani of Knipfing Asphalt Solutions said, "I thought we did [pay the bill]. We’ll have to look into this. I believe they were paid; there may have been a problem with the check and we are trying to rectify that."
She said the company had not tried to contact the township recently.
A representative of Charcon USA Inc. could not be reached for comment.