Borough gets grant for ADA compliance

By elaine van develde
Staff Writer

By elaine van develde
Staff Writer

TINTON FALLS — The borough will soon have $50,000 more than it had to help defray costs and ensure Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance in its new municipal complex.

Mayor Ann Y. McNamara announced at the Aug. 5 Borough Council meeting that she recently spoke with state Department of Community Affairs Commissioner Susan Bass Levin, who told her that the borough was the recipient of a $50,000 grant from Community Affairs’ Liveable Communities Program.

The program allocates money to municipalities to help alleviate the cost of mandated equipment in public buildings to accommodate people with disabilities.

"I am pleased to announce that we will receive this grant which will enhance the access and use of our new municipal complex so that everyone can enjoy it," McNamara said.

"The grant money is a much appreciated financial help toward making the building meet all state standards. We are grateful for it."

This $50,000 will go toward ADA-compliant building accommodations slated for the new $8.8 million municipal complex which was bonded for back in October 2001.

Of the entire $8.8 million project, the Public Works component (phase one) cost $2 million. It was recently completed and sits to the rear of the present complex.

The main portion of the building (phase two of the project) will sit on the lawn in front of the present complex. It is budgeted to cost the remaining $6.8 million. Ground is expected to be broken on that portion of the complex in the fall.

Once the new town hall is built on the front lawn, the borough’s library will then relocate from its present headquarters on Tinton Avenue to a renovated portion of the existing original town hall.