Area veteran to be honored

The Jewish War Veterans will hold a testimonial luncheon Sept. 7 to honor Julian "Bud" Batlan of Manalapan, a decorated and combat-wounded veteran of World War II and a third-generation member of the Jewish War Veterans. The event will be held at the Freehold Gardens Hotel, Freehold Township.

Batlan will be honored for his patriotic and community service activities during the past 50 years. He is a founder and charter commander of Manalapan-Marlboro Post 972 and later the commander of the Monmouth-Ocean County Council of Jewish War Veterans. He currently serves as his post’s executive director.

He is also a member of a brother Civil War organization, which was founded by the veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic, and serves as the flag holder of the Hightstown Abraham Lincoln Camp 110, Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. He has held national office in the Jewish War Veterans, as national deputy military officer, and serves as the current public information officer for the group’s Department of New Jersey.

The Sept. 7 program will also honor all New Jersey survivors of World War II during a social featuring big band dance music, beginning at 12:30 p.m., followed by the luncheon at 1:15 p.m. Guest speakers include Jewish War Veterans National Commander Daniel Weiss, Department of New Jersey Commander Robert Cirkus, and New Jersey past Department Com-mander Ben Rosh.

For information and reservations, call luncheon chairman Robert Schwartz, (732) 431-9067, before Sept. 5.