Second firm pays off late bill

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

MANALAPAN — A company that owed the township money for police services has paid its bill and charges lodged against the firm have been dismissed.

Charcon USA Inc., Route 37, Toms River, has paid Manalapan $4,533.85 plus interest for services rendered by the Manalapan Police Department in December 2002.

The complaint was administratively dismissed, said Daniella Trancho, municipal court administrator.

Chief Financial Officer Phil Del Turco said he asked that the charges lodged by the town against the firm be dropped.

"I contacted the prosecutor’s office and I worked through the municipal court office and requested that the charges be dropped since the principal and the interest was paid up," Del Turco said.

A complaint was filed on Aug. 1 by the township finance department against Charcon USA Inc. and Knipfing Asphalt Solutions, Colts Neck, for money owed to the municipality.

In late August, Knipfing Asphalt Solutions paid $1,536.40 plus interest for services provided by the police department.

The firm indicated it had made a clerical oversight in failing to pay the bill.

After the bill was paid, Del Turco had the charges against that firm dismissed.

A short time later, an unidentified attorney representing Charcon USA contacted the township. According to information received by the News Transcript, Charcon USA was in bankruptcy.

"We got the payment and the interest [in the last week of September]," Del Turco said. "We’ve changed some procedures and have taken appropriate precautions now, and we’re being a bit more vigilant."

Charges against Charcon USA, which were slated to be heard in state Superior Court, Freehold, were remanded to the township municipal court, where they have been dismissed.