PLUMSTED — Put some heads together and ideas are born. That is exactly what has happened at the New Egypt United Methodist Church in August when the church’s Outreach Committee met with Melissa Mohr, a college-aged church member.
Mohr had an idea for a Saturday night service that would appeal to all generations, especially young people. With a little work, the SHINE Ministry was formed. SHINE (Sing Hallelujah In New Egypt) is a ministry that will plan a series of Saturday night faith celebrations, each with a different theme. Mohr has chosen "light" as the theme for the first celebration.
The SHINE Ministry will host its first event at 7 p.m. Oct. 18 at Atkinson Hall in the church. Fliers for SHINE have been sent to area churches inviting other congregations to attend.
The festivities will include popular Christian music, an inspirational skit and a special message by Justin Perry. Perry is a graduate of Eastern University with a degree in Youth Ministries. He is already known to the youth of the New Egypt United Methodist Church through his work at America’s Keswick during the Mid-Winter Advance, a retreat for older teens.
The New Egypt United Methodist Church is inviting everyone in the community to attend. The service will be held in a casual atmosphere with refreshments and fellowship following the service.
All ages are welcome. Call the church at (609)758-2147 for more information.