PLUMSTED — Boy Scout Troop 9 of New Egypt held its Fall Court of Honor on Sept. 25. Along with rank advancements, the boys were awarded many merit badges they have earned over the last few months.
The following Scouts were given the following awards:
Miguel Garces earned Athletic merit badge.
Leon Malloy earned Fish and Wildlife Manage-ment, Geology, Forestry, Astronomy, Personal Fitness and Personal Management merit badges.
Wayne Holmes earned Personal Management and Indian Lore merit badges.
John Lawrence earned Leatherwork and Medicine merit badges.
Earnie Bliss earned Basketry, Swimming and Art merit badges.
Matt Hekl earned his Tenderfoot and Second Class rank and Citizen-ship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Basketry, Art and Swimming merit badges.
Kyle Abbott earned his Scout Rank and Basketry, Art and Leatherwork merit badges.
Bobby Shalack earned his Tenderfoot rank and Basketry, Art and Swimming merit badges.
Anthony Long earned his Tenderfoot rank and Basketry, Art, Leatherwork and Mammal Studies merit badges.
Pierce Kiernan earned his Tenderfoot and Second Class rank and Art, Basketry, Citizenship in the Community, Citizen-ship in the Nation and Citizenship in the World merit badges.
Ron Clifton earned his Tenderfoot rank.
Pierce Kiernan is the Titans new patrol leader and Matt Hekl is his assistant patrol leader.
Anthony Long is the Ravens new patrol leader and Bobby Shalack is his assistant patrol leader.
The new troop guide is Mike Hedge and the new committee chair is Bob Shalack.
Troop 9 thanked all of the Scouts and parents who recently helped with the Scout building clean up. Special thanks went to the American Legion of New Egypt for helping to get the donation of the garbage bin and to Paul Peterla for donating his equipment for the cleanup.
The members of Troop 9 are looking forward to some future camp-outs, working on their First Aid and Aviation merit badges and for the older Scouts, working toward their Eagle rank.
Troop 9 meets on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the building behind the American Legion in New Egypt.