Jackson Pathfinders seeks community volunteers

The Jackson Pathfinders, a commu­nity group working to preserve existing trails in Jackson while establishing new trails for multiple uses, is attempting to establish a townwide trail system for walking, hiking, biking, jogging, and equestrian activities. They are looking for volunteers interested in helping to iden­tify, map and preserve the trails in Jackson.

The Pathfinders has a variety of ways for volunteers to become involved. They can map land, assist with trail clearing projects, adopt a trail for periodic main­tenance, or help with construction of bridges and other trail structures. Scouts working on badges, as well as people wanting community service time, are welcome.

Volunteers are also needed to sit on committees for wildlife preservation, pub­licity, grant applications, membership, hiking, biking and others. The amount of time and to what extent people contribute is up to each volunteer.

The Pathfinders meets at 8 p.m. the third Thursday of every month in the main meeting room of the Jackson munic­ipal building. Details: (732) 833-0373, or you may visit www.jacksonpathfinders.org.