O’Brien has shown active support for veterans

I don’t know what veterans affairs Eddy Androvich is referring to in his letter to the editor ("Sayreville Needs New, Responsible Leadership," Suburban, Oct. 9), but I have to disagree with him on the candidates who will provide the best leadership for Sayreville.

As an active member of one of our veterans organization’s color guards in Sayreville, I know firsthand that Mayor Kennedy O’Brien is always on hand at every veterans function no matter the time, place or weather.

Last year, due to torrential rains, our Memorial Day Parade was canceled. Despite the rain, we went on to honor our fallen comrades at both the Borough Hall and the South River with full military honors. At both places, standing with us in the rain, in the absence of any spectators, were Kennedy O’Brien, Frank Makransky and John Melillo.

This November, as a Korean War era veteran, I will remember the support of Mayor Kennedy O’Brien and Councilman John Melillo for Sayreville’s veterans. Along with their running mate, Stanley Drwal, a West Point graduate and 24-year Army veteran with combat service, they will provide Sayreville with the leadership needed for the future.

Joe Rudy
