W. Monmouth development plan to be unveiled Oct. 23

W. Monmouth development plan to be unveiled Oct. 23

The Monmouth County Planning Board has announced that two upcoming meetings will give the public the opportunity to review the Draft Final Western Monmouth Development Plan.

A special public information meeting will be held on Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters, 125 Symmes Drive, Manalapan. An overview of the draft final plan will be provided by the project’s consultants, Orth-Rodgers and Associates.

Members of the public will have an opportunity to review the draft plan, ask questions and provide important feedback to assist with the planning process, according to a press release from the county planning board.

The Western Monmouth Develop-ment Plan is being prepared to assist the Route 9 corridor municipalities and the county to manage growth occurring in the study region that includes the municipalities of English-town, Farmingdale, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Howell, Manalapan, and Marlboro.

The plan will seek to encourage well-planned development and redevelopment in western Monmouth County and address the impacts that development has on transportation, infrastructure, the natural environment and quality of life. Preparation of the development plan is fully funded through a New Jersey Smart Growth Grant.

The Draft Final Western Monmouth Development Plan consists of two parts. Volume 1, Existing Conditions, describes present conditions in the study area, identifies planning needs and issues, and also contains a build-out analysis.

Volume 2, The Plan, contains the actual plan including the following:

• Regional Vision – summarizes the general goals of the study area municipalities, such as the need to promote transportation connections, revitalize centers and preserve farmland and open space;

• Planning Alternatives – offer ideas for organizing development in the future, such as transit-oriented development;

• Centers and Activity Areas – recommend areas for concentrating growth;

• Open Space and Transportation – provides a variety of recommendations for two key issues in the plan;

• Municipal Development Framework – provides specific alternatives and implementation ideas for each municipality; and

• Design guidelines – recommends means for improved functionality and appearance of Route 9 and other commercial corridors.

In addition to the public information meeting, a Western Monmouth Development Plan Collaborative meeting will be held earlier on Oct. 23 at 2:30 p.m., also at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters in Manalapan.

The Western Monmouth Develop-ment Plan Collaborative is an organization of municipal, county, state and private partners having a common interest in the development and redevelopment of the Route 9 corridor and surrounding area. Members of the public are also welcome to attend this meeting.

For more information or copies of the report, contact the Monmouth County Planning Board at (732) 431-7460 or log on to the board’s Internet web site at http://www.monmouthplanning.com.