The Edison Police Department offers the following holiday shopping safety tips:
• Avoid shopping alone – shop with a friend or family member.
• Wear a purse strapped across your body. Don’t carry your wallet in a loose jacket or loose pocket.
• Keep an eye on cash and credit cards. When possible, carry only one or two credit cards, and never carry or display large amounts of cash.
• Keep your hands free, and avoid carrying an excessive number of packages.
• Park in well-lit areas when shopping at night.
• Always lock your vehicle, and keep valuables and packages out of sight in the trunk, never on a seat or in a glove box.
• Have your vehicle key in hand and ready when walking to your car.
• Scan the area surrounding your vehicle, both when you park and when you return to your vehicle. Visually check the back seat of your vehicle before opening the door and getting in.
• Stay alert, and be aware of what’s going on around you.
• Immediately report suspicious persons and activities to the police.
• Please drive safely during the busy holiday season, and remember to buckle up.
The department’s nonemergency phone number is (732) 248-7400.