Make governor aware of opposition to N.J. bear hunt

Make governor aware of opposition to N.J. bear hunt

This letter is in response to the (editorial cartoon) that appeared in (the Nov. 25) News Transcript. As cute as the comic was — the black bear saying how bad he’s got it this year — there are many of us who are upset with the black bear hunt that is supposed to happen in December.

This is the first time in over 30 years that a bear hunt is being allowed. A recreational hunt will not reduce conflicts with bears and humans, rather, it will target bears living far from humans and their property. Also, this hunt will allow baiting (which is drawing bears into shooting range by using food to attract them), which is very unsporting.

The right and humane options available which should be fully explored are:

• The state should intensify public education about black bears.

• Increase aversive conditioning training for police officers and certified animal control officers.

• Complete plans for a contraception program.

One of the people responsible for voting for this bear hunt is Gov. James McGreevey, who in the past before he became governor had pledged to support a five-year moratorium on bear hunts. Now he’s going against his own word.

Please oppose this hunt and let Gov. McGreevey know. Write to: The Honorable James McGreevey, P.O. Box 001, Trenton 08625; telephone, (609) 292-6000; fax, (609) 292-3454; e-mail, Please hurry, time is running out for the bears.

Wendy Beyda
