Manalapan mayor responds to comments from resident

I do not make it a habit to answer political letters to the editor, but obviously if someone tries to attack my service to the community I feel the need for a response.

In his (Nov. 25) letter to the editor, Steven Johnson paints the picture of the poor victim who was removed from the Heritage Committee. What Mr. Johnson fails to mention is that we were approached by several members of the Heritage Committee asking for a meeting with the Township Committee, at this meeting they stated if he came back they would all resign.

One needs only to read between the lines to see that Mr. Johnson wants kudos for not asking to be paid as emcee. Isn’t this why someone volunteers? Without getting into the Heritage Committee’s reasons for not wanting Mr. Johnson, let’s read between more lines.

Mr. Johnson blames increased taxes on the governing body. I am sure that Mr. Johnson reads his tax bill and sees that the majority of property taxes are going toward our school system — one that is highly rated in New Jersey. I wouldn’t expect Mr. Johnson to admit that his property values have increased, as well as our fine police force.

Mr. Johnson also seems to have a problem with our downzoning which now means a developer can only build on 3- and 4-acre lots. Mr. Johnson, could this be why since the rezoning there are minimal applications before the Planning Board? I wouldn’t expect you to admit to this as well.

In closing, Mr. Johnson could have been honest and straightforward by mentioning that after having a two-hour meeting with him at town hall, I asked the governing body to allow him to serve on the Heritage Committee again, he thanked me for my time and help.

After the first meeting of the Heritage Committee, Mr. Johnson quit.

Drew Shapiro

