Questioning the wisdom of free-market economists and remembering those left in the economy’s cold.
By: Hank Kalet
E.J. Dionne Jr. cuts to the chase in a recent column in the Washington Post. He asks that we remember the folks the media has made it its business to forget, the folks who government ignores, who do all the dirty work and face the wrong end of the economic stick.
"And where public policy is concerned, they are nothing. We don’t worry that they lack health insurance coverage. We’re not concerned that their children lack child care or that they get little or no vacation time. You have to admire the gall of free-market economists who, in articles so often written during summer breaks in places like Martha’s Vineyard or the Rockies, tell those who earn so little to work harder."
We should be concerned. At any moment, their plight could be our plight.
Let’s hope this is the year to remember the forgotten, then, and make all their lives and, by extension, our lives better.