Students’ work featured on county calendar

Mansfield Township Elementary School students win four out of twelve top spots in county’s annual poster contest.

By: Eve Collins
   MANSFIELD – The township’s new elementary school boasted a bumper crop of winners in the county’s annual poster contest, with four students in the top 12 spots. Their work is featured in a 2004 calendar distributed to schools this month.
   Thousands of fourth-graders all over the county participate in the contest, said Burlington County Clerk Phil Haines, who visited the Mansfield Township Elementary School last week to congratulate the winners.
   "Not all the students participate, but many do and it’s a lot of competition," Mr. Haines told the kids. "You’re the future of county government and the future of America."
   The students, now fifth-graders, participated in the contest last year and were given awards at a Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders meeting in the spring, according to Principal Joseph Langowski.
   The freeholders began the contest three years ago, Mr. Haines said. The board chooses three judges who base their decision on how well the poster represents the county, as well as its artistic quality, creativity and originality. The panel of judges is different every year, he said.
   The poster contest coincides with lessons the fourth-graders learn about the state of New Jersey and all its counties, Mr. Langowski said.
   The best 12 posters are chosen to appear in a calendar that the county makes and distributes to the schools. Every fifth-grader at the Mansfield Elementary School will get one, and the winners will take home more for family and friends.
   Mr. Langowski said a student from the Mansfield district has been in the top 12 for the past three years. "We’re looking for four in a row this year," he said.
   Becky Russo won the first place prize in last year’s contest for her poster showing the county’s horse farms, Fort Dix, the beach (where she likes to go in the summer) and a representation of the Cranberry Festival.
   "She spent a lot of time coloring at home," said Becky’s mom, Paulette, who was at the school Thursday to take pictures of the presentation.
   Jessica Floersch, another winner, said she spent three nights working on her creation at home. "I drew it all freehand," she stated proudly. "It feels good (to win)."
   Joey Keintz and Bernard Luongo were the other two winners from the school. Although Bernard attended the Sacred Heart school in Mount Holly when he made his poster last year — a vibrant depiction of Fort Dix and McGuire Air Force Base — his fellow students and teachers were proud to see him presented with his calendar last week.
   "We enjoy doing this," Mr. Haines said after the presentation. "It’s great for the kids and it’s an opportunity to let them see what county government does."