Letter: Nature preserve an asset to all

To the editor:
I took back roads home from Quaker Bridge Mall one day to avoid traffic, and made an astounding discovery. Right there on Scott’s Corner Road, barely a mile from South Brunswick, sits a sign reading Plainsboro Preserve next to a driveway off to the left.
   Always ready to explore, I drove in and found this wonderful new Nature Center run by the New Jersey Audubon Society, a large goose and duck covered lake and hiking trails.
   Perhaps because it is Plainsboro Township, I had heard nothing about the place. And it is just five miles from my home. I think it would be mutually beneficial to the preserve and to South Brunswick, if the South Brunswick Post were to do a feature on this wonderful facility. It’s a great place for nature pursuits and environmental studies. And the resources and programs available there would be advantageous to township residents.
   Please consider a feature story with lots of pictures on this great facility right in our own backyard.
Nancy Carringer

South Brunswick